Putin and Obama give high marks to the results of talks on Iran

World July 16, 2015, 10:41

The presidents of Russia and the US had a telephone conversation on Wednesday

MOSCOW, July 15./TASS/. In a telephone conversation on Wednesday, the presidents of Russia and the US, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, gave high marks to the results of talks in Vienna on the settlement of the situation around Iran’s nuclear program, the Kremlin press service reports.

"It was noted that success of years-long efforts to find a political-diplomatic settlement to this issue has become possible owing to constructive cooperation of the P5+1, Iran as well as the EU," the report said.

The sides stressed that a comprehensive agreement on Iran’s nuclear program meets the interests of the whole international community, contributes to the strengthening of the nuclear non-proliferation regime, easing of tension in the Middle East region.

On Tuesday, Iran and the P5+1 ended the many-year marathon of coordinating agreements to settle Iran’s nuclear program. As a result, a comprehensive joint plan of action was agreed consisting of the main document and five technical supplements. Besides, a draft resolution was agreed, which all participants of the talks will soon submit as co-authors to the consideration of the United Nations Security Council.

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