Developments in Macedonia directed from outside — Lavrov

World May 20, 2015, 12:39

Lavrov noted that there were attempts to organize something similar to Ukraine and Yemen in Macedonia using the Albanian factor

MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. The reason behind developments in Macedonia is a desire to influence the government of Nikola Gruevski in connection with its refusal to join anti-Russian sanctions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday, speaking at the Federation Council.

While pointing to the need to rule out support for coups patterned after events in Ukraine and Yemen, Lavrov noted that "there were attempts to organize something similar in Macedonia using the Albanian factor in an unconstructive fashion."

"The Macedonian events are blatantly controlled from the outside," he said. "They are trying to accuse Gruevski’s government of not fulfilling its obligations to the population. However, the reason behind this is a desire to influence it in connection with its refusal to join anti-Russian sanctions, support of the South Stream and willingness to be involved in the implementation of other options of fuel delivery, including the so-called Turkish Stream."

"It is very sad and dangerous that they are trying to use the Albanian factor for that," the minister added. "Many years ago there were serious contradictions, and then the Ohrid Agreement was signed [in 2001]. And now they are talking about Macedonia’s further federalization and even suggest dividing the country, giving part of it to Albania and another part to Bulgaria."

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