German intelligence report says Russia has no relation to MH17 crash — lawmaker
Alexey Pushkov says German report on the Boeing carsh in Ukraine contradicts the Western version on the causes of the tragedy

MOSCOW, October 20. /TASS/.The German BND foreign intelligence agency's new report on the Boeing crash in Ukraine in fact contradicts the Western version on the causes of the tragedy. On Monday this opinion was voiced by Alexey Pushkov, the head of the foreign-affairs committee in the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament.
“The German intelligence report questions the main version which was accepted by the West and stated by a range of Western politicians and almost all mass media that Russia had handed over to militias the Buk missile systems that were used to shoot down the Malaysian Boeing,” Alexey Pushkov said.
Der Spiegel reported on Sunday citing a secret German intelligence report that the Boeing was shot down by militias and that Ukraine and Russia have both provided false data on the crash.
“The new version means that Russia has no relation to the downed Boeing,” Pushkov stressed.
“If this was done by a Ukrainian missile, Russia has no relation at all to this tragic event,” Pushkov said.
On July 17, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 passenger airliner on flight MH17 en route from the Dutch city of Amsterdam to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur crashed in the Donetsk Region in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board.
The Dutch Safety Board, which is leading the probe and coordinating the international team of investigators, said in its preliminary report published September 9 that “Flight MH17 with a Boeing 777-200 operated by Malaysia Airlines broke up in the air probably as the result of structural damage caused by a large number of high-energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from outside.