John Kerry to take part in talks on Iranian nuclear dossier in Vienna

World July 11, 2014, 10:15

Kerry intends to find out whether it is possible to make progress on the issues on which considerable differences persist (between the “sextet” and Iran)

WASHINGTON, July 11./ITAR-TASS/. US Secretary of State John Kerry will take part in multilateral negotiations in Vienna on the Iranian nuclear problem settlement, State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf has confirmed.

According to her, Secretary Kerry will travel this weekend to Vienna for consultations with EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and the foreign ministers of the other countries of the P5+1 group, the working schedules of which allow (them to arrive in the Austrian capital), as well as Iranian Foreign Minister (Javad) Zarif.

It was previously reported that Ashton invited the foreign ministers of the “sextet” (five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) to arrive in Vienna on July 13 for negotiations.

The US secretary of state, Harf noted, will assess Iran’s readiness for taking credible and verifiable steps that will bear out its public statements on the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.

Kerry intends to find out whether it is possible to make progress on the issues on which considerable differences persist (between the “sextet” and Iran), to assess Tehran’s readiness to make a number of critically important decisions at the negotiating table. Then the American diplomacy chief will prepare for US President Barack Obama recommendations on the next steps in the negotiations between the P5+1 group and Iran, Harf added.

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