Yanukovich confirms his participation in national roundtable

World December 13, 2013, 14:15

The event aims to settle of Ukraine’s political crisis

KIEV, December 13. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich will participate on Friday in Let’s United Ukraine national roundtable on solutions for overcoming the political crisis, the presidential press service reports.

The roundtable, which was initiated by former President Leonid Kravchuk, will begin at 16:00 at the Ukraine national arts palace. This will be the third meeting over recent three days, devoted to settlement of the crisis.

The opposition claims until its demands are satisfied it will not begin a dialogue with the power. The protesters insist the government resigns, those responsible for beating up the protesters are punished, and those arrested during dispersal of the rally are liberated.

The meeting on Friday will feature representatives of Ukraine’s authorities, political parties, trade unions, students’ movement, as well as experts, creative and scientific communities.

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