Biden doesn’t reject potentially meeting Putin at G20 or APEC, but doubts Putin will come

World October 03, 21:50

The G20 summit is expected to take place in Brazil from November 18-19, while the official dates of the APEC summit in Peru are November 9-16

WASHINGTON, October 3. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden essentially didn’t rule out a potential meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming summits of the Group of 20 or the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, but expressed doubt that the Russian leader will attend.

"I doubt that Putin will show up," Biden said, when asked by TASS whether he was ready for talks with the Russian president at the summits in November to discuss Ukraine and international security.

Biden made the comment as he was fielding questions from reporters outside the White House before departing for Tallahassee, Florida, to review relief efforts following Hurricane Helene.

The G20 summit is expected to take place in Brazil from November 18-19. The official dates of the APEC summit in Peru are November 9-16.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on October 2 that Putin's trip to the G20 summit was in the works. Brazil's sherpa at the G20, Mauricio Lyrio, told TASS previously that the Russian president was invited to attend. The Brazilian government did not react to statements by some G20 members, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, who demanded that an invitation to the Russian president be put up for debate. Brazil holds the rotating G20 presidency this year.

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