Iraqi troops on border with Syria on full alert — army spokesman

World October 01, 0:44

Yahya Rasool stressed that, despite the tense situation, 144 refugees from Lebanon arrived in Iraq on Monday

CAIRO, October 1. /TASS/. Iraqi units on the border with Syria and other countries are on full combat alert, Yahya Rasool, the official spokesman for the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, said.

"The Iraqi armed forces are fulfilling their duties on protecting state sovereignty, the military units took all necessary measures to protect borders with neighboring countries, particularly, with Syria. Troops are on full combat alert," INA news agency quoted him as saying. The spokesman did not provide any further details about the current situation on the Iraqi-Syrian border.

He stressed that, despite the tense situation, 144 refugees from Lebanon arrived in Iraq on Monday via Al-Qaim crossing on the border with Syria. Some of them were injured in Israeli shelling attacks and will receive medical aid. Additionally, Iraqi authorities are planning on delivering humanitarian aid to Lebanon "in larger volumes than now, once the activity of Israeli military aviation in Lebanese skies subsides," the military official said.

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