Ukraine’s top diplomat discusses ways to resolve crisis with Chinese envoy in Croatia

World June 29, 17:21

Dmitry Kuleba told the Wu Hongbo envoy about the recent conference in Switzerland, after which the two sides "exchanged opinions regarding further efforts toward a fair and long-lasting peace in Ukraine"

MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba discussed resolving the Ukraine conflict with Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo at a meeting in Croatia, Ukraine’s top diplomat said on X.

According to Kuleba, the meeting took place on the sidelines of the Dubrovnik Forum. Kuleba told the Chinese envoy about the recent conference in Burgenstock, Switzerland, after which the two sides "exchanged opinions regarding further efforts toward a fair and long-lasting peace in Ukraine," he wrote.

The Kiev-initiated forum on Ukraine was held at the Burgenstock resort on June 15-16 Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, Colombia, the Holy See, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Ruanda, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates did not sign the final document. Russia was not invited. Most UN delegates did not attend either. None of BRICS allies supported the communique.

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova dismissed the conference as a total failure as she argued that "get-togethers" like this cannot serve the basis for a lasting peace.

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