UN chief admits he is not fully pleased with results of his work

World June 28, 8:29

Antonio Guterres noted that the humanitarian action of the UN all over the world was remarkable

MOSCOW, June 28. /TASS/. In an exclusive interview with TASS First Deputy Director General Mikhail Gusman, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres admitted that he was not fully pleased with the results of his work and the work of the United Nations.

"I'm not happy with what I'm doing and I'm not happy with what the UN is doing. I would like to do much better, and I'd like to do much more. There are things I'm very proud we are managing to do. For instance, the humanitarian action of the UN all over the world is remarkable," the secretary-general said.

"You have thousands and thousands of people in the most dangerous places that are sacrificing sometimes their lives in order to bring the necessary assistance to those that have been the victims of conflict, the victims of climate change, of natural disasters of all kinds. Half of the world international humanitarian aid is channeled through the UN," Guterres said. "I was myself 10 years high commissioner for refugees, looking into the drama of refugees around the world. The UN, in that regard, I think is doing a fantastic job. On the contrary, there is an area where the UN should do much better - peace."

"We have no peace in the world. Of course, one of the reasons why we have no peace in the world is because of the geopolitical divides, the power relations that are not as clear as they were in the past," Guterres continued.

In his opinion, the world needs "to do much more in prevention of conflicts," and, in this case, it will be able "to do much more after the conflict is solved" in terms of "creating the economic the social conditions, the human rights conditions to make sure that peace wants established is maintained."

"And unfortunately, we are seeing many places in the world where it's very difficult to solve a conflict and it's very difficult after the conflict is solved to create the conditions of justice, equality, and wellbeing of the people for peace to be sustainable," he said.

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