IAEA sees no threat in loss of radiation monitoring station at ZNPP

World June 28, 3:15

The team of IAEA experts was unable to visit the site of the incident "to confirm the damage" due "to the security situation"

VIENNA, June 28. /TASS/. The halt in the operation of an environmental radiological monitoring station had no direct impact on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP)’s safety, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi said.

In a statement, Grossi said the ZNPP informed the IAEA that one of its radiological monitoring stations was out of operation, which may reduce the efficiency of monitoring in case of emergency.

"The loss of one radiation monitoring station does not have a direct impact on safety at the ZNPP, but it forms part of a continuous erosion of a range of safety measures during the war that remains a deep source of concern," he said.

The team of IAEA experts was unable to visit the site of the incident "to confirm the damage" due "to the security situation."

It was reported earlier that Ukrainian forces hit a radiation monitoring post of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Velikaya Znamenka, completely demolishing it. The plant's specialists made efforts to enure that the radiation level is still being continuously monitored. The level remains within natural boundaries.

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