Yemeni Houthis report joint attack with Iraq’s Islamic Resistance on Haifa

World June 27, 22:49

The US and its allies launched Operation Prosperity Guardian aiming to ensure both the freedom of navigation and the safety of maritime traffic in the Red Sea

DUBAI, June 27. /TASS/. Houthi rebels from the Yemen-based Ansar Allah movement have carried out another joint operation against Israel with Iraq’s Islamic Resistance movement, attacking a target in Haifa, the movement’s military spokesman Yahya Saree said.

"Our armed forces have conducted a joint operation with Iraq’s Islamic Resistance during which several guided missiles hit a vitally important target in Haifa," the military official told the Houthi-owned Al Masirah TV channel.

He also added that the Houthis delivered a strike on the commercial vessel Seajoy in the Red Sea using drones, projectiles and an unmanned surface vehicle.

After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis warned that they would launch strikes on Israeli territory while barring ships associated with the Jewish state from passing through the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until Tel Aviv ceased its military operation against Palestinian radical group Hamas in the embattled enclave. Since last November, the Houthis have attacked dozens of civilian vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

In response, the US and its allies launched Operation Prosperity Guardian aiming to ensure both the freedom of navigation and the safety of maritime traffic in the Red Sea. Subsequently, the armed forces of the United States and the United Kingdom began to deliver joint strikes on rebel-held positions in several Yemeni cities, using aircraft, warships and submarines, targeting Houthi missile sites, drones and radiolocation systems.

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