Putin's visits to Asia accelerate Russia's strategic turn eastward — Chinese envoy

World June 27, 16:33

Chang Xuhong also noted that certain powers, in pursuance of their geopolitical interests, "stir up ideological differences and actively forge exclusive groupings in the Asia-Pacific region, trying to replace cooperation with confrontation"

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin's visits to the countries of the Asian region - China, North Korea and Vietnam - will play a major role in Russia's strategic turn to the East, Chang Xuhong, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Chinese Embassy to the Russian Federation, said at a conference focused on the launch of the second scientific and educational program "Asian Dialogue".

"After officially taking office for a new presidential term, Vladimir Putin chose China as the first country for a foreign visit. He had an in-depth exchange of views with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Our heads of state arrived at a number of important agreements, outlined a plan for the development of Sino-Russian relations for the future and worked out strategic projects to strengthen comprehensive strategic cooperation between the two countries along various trajectories," she pointed out. "Recently, President Putin paid successful visits to the DPRK and Vietnam, which was significant for Russia’s turn eastward, getting it on the fast track," the diplomat went on to say.

She also noted that certain powers, in pursuance of their geopolitical interests, "stir up ideological differences and actively forge exclusive groupings in the Asia-Pacific region, trying to replace cooperation with confrontation." "This seriously hinders the advancement of cooperation among countries in the region, increases regional tensions, dilutes the central role of ASEAN, and creates enormous risks and challenges to the peaceful development of the region," she added.

Putin's visits to China, North Korea and Vietnam

On May 16-17, the Russian president was on a state visit to China, where he held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. The two leaders discussed the entire range of Russian-Chinese cooperation, with a special focus on economic issues. They also adopted a joint statement.

On June 18-20, Putin visited the DPRK and Vietnam. During his visit to Pyongyang, the Russian-Korean Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty was concluded, while in Hanoi Russia and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam signed 11 documents and adopted the statement "On further deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership in the context of the 30th anniversary of the implementation of the Russian-Vietnamese Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations.".

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