Peace proponents win in Europe, US election up next — PM

World June 11, 2024, 18:09

Viktor Orban noted that the question of war and peace, i.e. the continuation or termination of the conflict in Ukraine, was, in fact, the main issue in the European Parliament elections held on June 6-9 in the EU countries

BUDAPEST, June 11. /TASS/. Peace proponents in Europe have a 1-0 lead over those who want the Ukraine conflict to continue, with the second half to be held in the United States, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in describing the results of the European Parliament (EP) elections in an interview with the Index online edition, speaking in football terms ahead of the event.

"I think we are leading 1-0 in Europe in the struggle over the issue of war and peace. The break has been canceled. The second half will take place in the United States, and chances are good we will win there too," the prime minister said, referring to the November US presidential election.

He noted that the question of war and peace, i.e. the continuation or termination of the conflict in Ukraine, was, in fact, the main issue in the European Parliament elections held on June 6-9 in the EU countries. From the very beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, Hungary's ruling Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Alliance has been in favor of a negotiated settlement of the conflict as soon as possible.

"By making this choice, we set out to slow and then stop the European train that was hurtling toward war. It worked. Not only in Hungary, but throughout Europe, the forces in favor of peace have been strengthened," Orban believes.

"For example, in one of the key countries, France, which is perhaps more in favor of sending Western soldiers to the war in Ukraine than anyone else, the political system has been turned upside down. Early parliamentary elections are now to be held there, and there is a good chance that at the end of them, the pro-peace parties will win again," the prime minister said.

On June 9, at a meeting with journalists after the voting in the European Parliament elections, he told TASS that, in his opinion, it would be possible to end the Ukrainian conflict if the positions of peace-loving forces in Europe and America were strengthened. He added that the results of the European Parliament elections and the presidential election in the United States would be decisive. Earlier, Orban repeatedly said that he linked hopes for peace in Ukraine to the possible return of Republican Donald Trump to the White House.

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