IAEA doesn’t have evidence Iran develops nuclear weapons — Grossi

World June 03, 16:39

The IAEA Director General stressed that the erosion of the nuclear non-proliferation regime should be prevented

VIENNA, June 3. /TASS/. The International Atomic Energy Agency doesn’t have evidence Iran has a program to develop nuclear weapons, Director General Rafael Grossi said.

"We don’t have any information - verifiable information - that Iran has a nuclear weapon program," he said at a news conference on the occasion of a IAEA Board of Governors meeting.

Grossi said Iran has capacity to produce nuclear materials.

"This is why I have expressed concern when a country starts saying I have everything I need in case I decide to," he went on to say.

He said some countries expressed an intention to create their own nuclear weapons if Tehran comes to possess such weapons. Erosion of the nuclear non-proliferation regime should be prevented, Grossi said.

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