Almost 300 children killed in DPR since 2014 due to Ukrainian shelling

World May 28, 14:54

733 children in the region were injured

DONETSK, May 28. /TASS/. The number of children killed due to the Ukrainian shelling in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has reached 282, the number of wounded - 733, adviser on children's rights to DPR head Eleonora Fedorenko said at a press conference dedicated to World Children's Day.

"As many as 282 children have been killed in 10 years. There are cases when the whole family with children was killed, or either cases when one of the children died, or one of the children was seriously injured, or one of the parents killed, or the second parent was injured, the family’s house being destroyed," Fedorenko said.

The ombudswoman added that 733 children in the region were injured.

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