Hungary against EU countries training Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian soil — top diplomat

World May 27, 16:15

According to Peter Szijjarto, the implementation of this "crazy idea" to transfer such training to Ukraine "could lead to a direct clash between NATO and Russia"

BUDAPEST, May 27. /TASS/. Hungary opposes the European Union's proposal for Western instructors to train Ukrainian soldiers on the territory of Ukraine, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.

"We do not support the idea that the current European mission to train Ukrainian soldiers, which has so far been conducted outside Ukraine, will continue on the territory of Ukraine," the top diplomat said at a meeting with Hungarian journalists in Brussels.

He pointed out that the training of Ukrainian servicemen is carried out under the EU program, but it involves instructors from NATO countries. Therefore, according to the Hungarian foreign minister, the implementation of this "crazy idea" to transfer such training to Ukraine "could lead to a direct clash between NATO and Russia."

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