Uzbek leader pledges further efforts to develop political dialogue with Russia

World May 27, 15:05

According to Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Tashkent and Moscow "are set to continue expanding systemic intensive contacts at the level of parliaments, governments, ministers"

TASHKENT, May 27. /TASS/. Tashkent favors developing the political dialogue with Moscow, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We favor further efforts to develop an active political dialogue and exchange," he said.

"We are set to continue expanding systemic intensive contacts at the level of parliaments, governments, ministers, agencies, and regions, as well as public activists, experts and business circles," Mirziyoyev added.

The Uzbek leader also proposed arranging an exchange between the two countries’ prime ministers and convening a meeting of the intergovernmental commission later this year.

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