Turkmenistan to continue cooperating with Russia on wide range of areas — president

World May 25, 8:50

The strategic and comprehensive nature of relations between the two countries based on principles of sincere friendship, confidence and equality that are successfully developing in all directions now, was noted at the meeting

ASHGABAT, May 25. /TASS/. Turkmenistan intends to expand cooperation with Russia on a wide range of areas, Turkmen President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

"We intend to continue actively cooperating with the Russian Federation on a wide range of areas," the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper quoted him as saying.

The strategic and comprehensive nature of relations between the two countries based on principles of sincere friendship, confidence and equality that are successfully developing in all directions now, was noted at the meeting. The sides emphasized efficient interaction in the trade-economic and scientific-technical areas, the fuel and energy sector, shipbuilding, agriculture, textile industry, transport.

Mishustin paid a visit to Ashgabat to participate in the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) that was held on May 24. Turkmenistan is an associated member of the CIS.

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