US announces $275 million in additional military aid to Ukraine — Blinken

World May 24, 22:32

The new military package is part of Washington’s efforts "to help Ukraine repel Russia’s assault near" Kharkov

WASHINGTON, May 24. /TASS/. The United States has announced a new $275-million drawdown of weapons and equipment for Ukraine, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a press release.

The press release said that the package contains such capabilities as ammunition for HIMARS, 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds, Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems, anti-armor mines, as well as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protective equipment.

The new military package is part of Washington’s efforts "to help Ukraine repel Russia’s assault near" Kharkov.

In late April, US President Joe Biden signed a bill passed by Congress to resume arms deliveries to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The package was worth $95 billion. It includes $61 billion for Ukraine.

The statement released by the US Secretary of State said that it was the fifth security assistance package that Biden had authorized "since signing the national security supplemental." According to Blinken, the weapons from previous packages have already been handed over to Kiev. Washington "will move this new assistance as quickly as possible," the press release said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated that sending more weapons to Ukraine will not bring a change in the situation on the front, but will merely drag out the conflict.

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