Nearly half of those present in UN Security Council hall walk out before Israel’s address

World April 19, 3:44

israeli Permanent Representative Gilad Erdan was to address the council after Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour

UNITED NATIONS, April 19. /TASS/. A significant part of those present in the UN Security Council hall during a vote on granting full UN membership to Palestinie walked out when the Israeli delegate was to take the floor.

Earlier, the United States vetoed the resolution. 12 countries, including Russia and China, voted in favor; two - the United Kingdom and Switzerland - abstained. The United States was the only country that voted against and exercised its veto right to block the document.

Israeli Permanent Representative Gilad Erdan was to address the council after Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour. Before his speech, the hall was full almost to the capacity.

Immediately after it was announced that Erdan will take the floor, nearly half of all those present in the hall, mostly delegates from Arab nations, stood up and walked out.

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