Iran told US strike on Israel was ‘limited’— Foreign Ministry

World April 14, 15:47

Iran has no intention of attacking Americans or US bases in the region unless Iran is attack from US bases located in the region, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said

DUBAI, April 14. /TASS/. Iran told the US administration that the attack on Israel was "limited," Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said.

"In our morning message to the White House, we explained that this was a limited response," the minister was quoted by Iranian Press TV channel.

The minister added that Tehran fired at an Israeli air base from which F-35 aircraft took off and struck the country’s consulate in Syria on April 1. Another target of the operation was the Israeli intelligence center, which "led all operations over the past 6 months, including the recent attack against Iran," the foreign minister added.

He also noted that Iran has no intention of attacking Americans or US bases in the region unless Iran is attack from US bases located in the region, according to Al Jazeera.

Iranian authorities notified neighboring states about the imminent attack on Israel three days before it took place.

"We [Iranian authorities] notified the neighboring countries [about the start of the attack on Israel] 72 hours before the attack," the minister said.

On the evening of April 13, Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, calling it a response to "numerous crimes,"including an attack attributed to Israel on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus. Iranian state media said the attacks on Israel targeted military sites. The Israel Defense Forces said later that they intercepted 99% of about 300 Iranian shells flying towards the Jewish state, and minor damage was caused to the Nevatim airbase.

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