Armenia to seek closer ties with US, EU — foreign minister

World April 01, 1:11

"We are trying to ensure our security and development along the democratic path and institutions, and we see that there are good partners in the West for this," Ararat Mirzoyan said

BUENOS AIRES, April 1. /TASS/. Armenia is seeking closer relations with the European Union and the United States, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said in an interview with Todos Noticias.

"We have democracy and we want to strengthen democratic institutions. We see that, for example, the US and the EU are major partners. We also saw that the EU was ready to send a civilian mission and the situation on the border has improved a lot. Their presence has done much to contribute to peace in the region and part of Armenia," he said. "We are now deepening economic and political relations with Brussels and Washington. I would not call it a pivot. We are trying to ensure our security and development along the democratic path and institutions, and we see that there are good partners in the West for this."

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova previously said that the Armenia-EU-US meeting that’s scheduled for April 5 causes concern to Moscow because Washington and Brussels openly talk about its anti-Russian nature.

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