Ukraine has no plans of extending gas contract with Gazprom — minister

World March 18, 8:08

German Galushchenko claimed that Ukraine’s gas transportation system successfully passed stress-tests, which "proved that we can easily survive without gas transit"

MOSCOW, March 18. /TASS/. The Ukrainian government has no plans of extending its gas transit agreement with Gazprom or replacing it with another deal, Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko said.

"We do not plan to sign any additional agreements or to prolong this agreement," he said in a video, posted on the ministry’s Telegram channel.

The minister claimed that Ukraine’s gas transportation system successfully passed stress-tests, which "proved that we can easily survive without [gas] transit."

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said on March 4 his country was ready to continue the transit of gas from Russia through its territory after the contract with Gazprom expires at the end of 2024, if there is a request from European countries. Shmygal added that Kiev itself is not going to negotiate this with Moscow, but is ready to talk with European countries.

The transit line through Ukraine remains the only route for Russian gas supplies to the countries of Western and Central Europe after the destruction at Nord Stream. Russian gas supplies have been going through Ukraine in a reduced volume since May 2022, when the operator of Gas Transmission System of Ukraine announced the cessation of transit to Europe through the Sokhranovka station due to force majeure. The company allegedly cannot exercise control over the Novopskov compressor station in the People’s Republic of Lugansk. However, the Russian gas holding Gazprom did not see any reason to stop pumping as before.

The agreement on the transit of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory expires at the end of 2024. Kiev previously stated that they did not intend to extend the agreement on the transit of Russian gas.

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