Ukrainian draft evaders disguise themselves as animals in a bid to flee country

World February 02, 0:17

There are numerous offers on Ukrainian online markets for silicone masks of elderly people that are supposed to "protect against draft commissioners"

MOSCOW, February 1 /TASS/. Ukrainian draft evaders started disguising themselves as animals in order to cross the border, Strana.Ua reported citing border control officers

One surveillance camera footage fragment, published by the website, shows two men attempting to cross the open space on their hands and knees at night. It is known that smugglers use a similar trick, tying mock hooves or wolf paws to their hands and knees and moving on all fours, imitating a pattern of animal tracks on the border trace strip.

Previously, Odessa border control officers detained two men in white camouflage suits on the Moldovan border. There are numerous offers of such suits on Ukrainian online markets; their prices do not exceed about $26. In addition, there is a significant offer for silicone masks of elderly people that are supposed to "protect against draft commissioners."

Meanwhile, Ukrainian authorities hunt down those subject to conscription. According to eyewitnesses, draft commissioners block roads in Kiev and Kiev Region, break into residences searching for draft evaders. According to one local resident, people event started building dugouts in this situation. Videos appear regularly on social media showing draft commissioners trying to force draft notices onto people on the streets, in public transport and in gyms. According to the media, many men have not left home for months already.

A universal mobilization has been declared in Ukraine since February, 2022. Men aged between 18 and 60 are prohibited from travelling abroad. Amid the serious problems with staffing the armed forces, the Verkhovna Rada reviewed a bill that seriously tightens the mobilization rules. The bill was criticized in the public and caused disagreements among lawmakers. However, the new version, registered on January 30, contains most of the harsh measures, implied by the first paper. In particular, the bill provides for an option to restrict the rights of draft evaders, including a ban for travelling abroad, blocking of bank accounts, and introduction of electronic draft notifications.

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