UN taking swift action following accusations against several UNRWA staff — Guterres

World January 28, 10:03

The UN Secretary General noted that of the 12 people involved in this incident, 1 person was killed and 9 were fired.

UNITED NATIONS, January 28./TASS/. The United Nations is taking action in connection with allegations targeting several UN Relief and Works Agency staff members accused of ties with Hamas, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

"The United Nations is taking swift action following the extremely serious allegations against several UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff members. An investigation by the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) was immediately activated," he said in a statement. "Of the 12 people implicated, nine were immediately identified and terminated by the Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini; one is confirmed dead, and the identity of the two others is being clarified," he said.

"Any UN employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution," the secretary-general added. "Meanwhile, 2 million civilians in Gaza depend on critical aid from UNRWA for daily survival," he stressed.

"While I understand their [the countries suspending funding] concerns - I was myself horrified by these accusations - I strongly appeal to the governments that have suspended their contributions to, at least, guarantee the continuity of UNRWA’s operations," the secretary- general said.

"The abhorrent alleged acts of these staff members must have consequences. But the tens of thousands of men and women who work for UNRWA, many in some of the most dangerous situations for humanitarian workers, should not be penalized. The dire needs of the desperate populations they serve must be met," he emphasized.

Earlier, several countries, including the United States, the UK, Germany and Canada, announced the suspension of funding for UNRWA amid suspicions that some of the organization's employees had links to Hamas. UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini ordered the sacking of several agency employees allegedly involved in the Hamas militants’ attack on southern Israel last autumn.

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