Ukrainian opposition politician expects Zelensky regime to crumble in 2024

World January 10, 16:37

Viktor Medvedchuk noted that Vladimir Zelensky’s "collapse is a win for the Ukrainian people because Zelensky has long been betraying and selling them wholesale and retail as cannon fodder"

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Ukraine will see the collapse of President Vladimir Zelensky's regime this year, but this will be a win for the Ukrainian people as the current authorities have long betrayed their interests, according to a Ukrainian opposition politician.

"Ukraine. A year of the Zelensky catastrophe. <…> Zelensky’s Ukraine cannot exist without handouts from the West. When this help stops, this Ukraine will be finished. <…> The forecast is simple: either financing shrinks or stops. <…> To remove Zelensky from the chessboard it will be enough to decrease the dose of funding, which is already happening," Viktor Medvedchuk, former leader of Opposition Platform For Live, an opposition party which is outlawed in Ukraine, who now leads the Other Ukraine movement, wrote on his column on the media platform.

He stressed however that the Zelensky regime’s collapse does not mean the collapse of the Ukrainian people. "Moreover, Zelensky’s collapse is a win for the Ukrainian people because Zelensky has long been betraying and selling them wholesale and retail as cannon fodder," he noted.

According to Medvedchuk, the current Ukrainian president has become an "unfunny caricature of a dictator," who has managed to spoil relations with large businesses, the military, and even with nationalists whom he demonstrated his cowardice to. Now, Zelensky is of no use to either the United States or the United Kingdom, which tried to use him in their game against Russia, but failed. "And if fishing is bad, the worm is disposed of," he recalled.

He also anticipates that the economic, social, political, and military crises will inevitably boil over in Ukraine and the decrease in external financing will ultimately kill the country’s economy. "A political crisis in a country engaged in serious combat operations is the nail in its coffin, but Zelensky did everything he could to make this crisis happen and, frankly speaking, there is no way out. And this means that a military crisis will follow. A gross loss of territories and borders. Everything points to this," he wrote, adding that neither Ukrainian army commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny nor former President Pyotr Poroshenko nor Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko nor even former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko, who are seen as Zelensky’s potential rivals if the election ultimately takes place, will not be able to bring the country out of the crisis it has plunged into because of the incompetence of the current president’s administration.

Meanwhile, Russia has begun to build a new pattern of relations in the world and has proved that it can stand up to the United States and NATO, Medvedchuk noted, adding that the Other Ukraine movement invites Ukrainians to pool efforts to "build a new, efficient and fair world instead of the dirty war Zelensky is waging." "I can definitely anticipate that there will be more Ukrainians in Russia in 2024. And this will be beneficial for them," he emphasized.

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