Vatican’s special envoy points to potential role of China in Ukrainian settlement

World December 24, 2023, 12:23

China is a great and irreplaceable resource, Matteo Zuppi said

ROME, December 24. /TASS/. The Vatican’s special envoy for Ukraine and President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, believes that Beijing is an "important and indispensable resource" that can help settle the Ukrainian conflict.

"Something is advancing [in terms of a settlement]. I have been to Kiev and Moscow. I've been to Washington and Beijing. Both Russians and Ukrainians recognize the role of the Holy See. The nuncios in both capital cities are doing a great job. Of course, we would like to see much more result on the return of the children. We will not miss any opportunity to do so," he said in an interview with the Corriere della Sera newspaper. The cardinal said he did not believe that weapons could be the only way to put an end to the conflict.

"China is a great and irreplaceable resource. And it can certainly help find peace in Ukraine," Zuppi went on to say.

The papal envoy emphasized that the Holy See favors the involvement of the international community, which is a third actor and should play its role towards finding and guaranteeing suitable solutions. "We must get rid of the logic that military victory is the only option, while dialogue is capitulation," he said.

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