Beijing demands US cease machinations for 'Taiwan’s independence' — China’s top diplomat

World December 06, 2023, 13:46

According to Wang Yi, Beijing will not tolerate any separatist activities on the part of pro-independence forces if they dare take the risk and provoke incidents aimed at achieving the "independence of Taiwan"

BEIJING, December 6. /TASS/. Washington must cease its support for separatist forces who have been calling for Taiwan’s "independence," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in a telephone call.

"We demand that the United States refrain from interfering in China’s internal affairs, and from supporting any forces seeking Taiwan’s independence or from conniving with [such separatist forces]," the Chinese Foreign Ministry quoted Wang as saying on its website.

In late November, Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of China’s State Council, warned that "independence for Taiwan" would mean war. According to him, Beijing will not tolerate any separatist activities on the part of pro-independence forces if they dare take the risk and provoke incidents aimed at achieving the "independence of Taiwan."

Taiwan has been governed by its local administration since 1949. Beijing regards the island as one of its provinces and this position is supported by most countries, including Russia.

The US severed diplomatic relations with the Taiwanese side in 1979 and gave diplomatic recognition to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). However, while formally recognizing the One China policy, the United States continues to maintain contacts with the Taipei administration and supplies the island with weapons.

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