Arab, Muslim countries can 'break' Gaza blockade together — Turkish president

World November 22, 2023, 16:09

"We must tell the truth about what is happening in Palestine, about Israeli oppression there," Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized

ISTANBUL, November 22. /TASS/.Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) and Arab League countries can "break" the blockade of the Gaza Strip if they work together, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his pool reporters upon returning from Algeria, the Anadolu news agency said.

"It is not just one or two countries that will be able to break the blockade, but the steps that will be taken and the strategies that will be formed by all the countries of the OIC and the Arab League. The team mentality that is often used in politics must be on full display. The blockade cannot be broken by delivering some aid to Gaza. By using many economic, political, diplomatic, sociological and cultural elements, we must both ensure a ceasefire, bring enough aid to Gaza and rebuild the city destroyed by Israel. The blockade is not only about the troops and weapons that Israel has concentrated around Gaza," Erdogan said.

"We must make Israel respect international law and answer for its actions. In particular, we must break the blockade at the United Nations. We must tell the truth about what is happening in Palestine, about Israeli oppression there. Those who have not heard the voice of the Palestinian people must learn what the oppressed Palestinians have been going through for decades; we must change peoples’ views and break the blockade in their minds. We must break the fascist approach of 'there is no problem when a Muslim dies, there is a problem when a Christian or a Jew dies' and make it understood that 'if a person dies, then there is a problem.' This will make it possible to break the blockade in their perception. We must break all the blockades of the Zionists and their supporters who have taken away Palestine's historical borders, its people’s right to self-determination, their right to property, life and freedom, as well as all the blockades that muzzle the world and make it blind," the Turkish president emphasized.

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