German politician says NATO not contributing to resolving conflicts

World November 13, 2023, 18:12

"Instead, we need a defensive alliance that pushes for disarmament and a balance of interests, not arms buildups and escalating conflicts. We need a defensive alliance on equal terms, not Europeans blindly following the US," Sahra Wagenknecht said

BERLIN, November 13. /TASS/. German politician Sahra Wagenknecht, who recently quit the Left Party of Germany, criticized NATO and spoke in favor of a multipolar world.

"US-led NATO contributes to global crises and conflicts," she said in an interview with the RND editorial team. "Instead, we need a defensive alliance that pushes for disarmament and a balance of interests, not arms buildups and escalating conflicts. We need a defensive alliance on equal terms, not Europeans blindly following the US," the politician said.

At the end of October, Wagenknecht announced that she was leaving the Left Party and creating her own political movement. The party will be registered early next year. The politician has repeatedly criticized economic sanctions against Russia, as well as the migration policy of the German government. She also opposed arms supplies to Ukraine. She spoke out against the economic and energy policies of the current authorities. In her opinion, forcing heating to move to clean energy sources will affect people’s incomes. As the politician stated, many German citizens do not believe that their interests are now represented by any of the current parties, so people vote for the right-wing Alternative for Germany "as a last resort." This is what allegedly drove Wagenknecht to create a new political party.

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