BRICS report calls for reform of international organizations

World September 28, 2023, 18:01

According to the statement, a fundamental reform of the entire architecture of international organizations implies increasing the presence of developing countries, especially the African ones

JOHANNESBURG, September 28. /TASS/. The existing system of international organizations is not working well and needs drastic reform, the BRICS Commission on Peace, Security and Multipolarity said in a report.

The commission convened as part of the BRICS Parliamentary Forum in Johannesburg, with Konstantin Kosachev, a deputy speaker of the Federation Council, representing Russia.

"The global system of international relations is not working well," the report said. "Existing international organizations are controlled by Western countries, which manipulate them and impose sanctions. It is necessary to carry out a fundamental reform of the entire architecture of international organizations to make it multilateral and accountable. To this end, the presence of developing countries, especially African countries, should be increased."

The commission said that the UN remains the cornerstone of the entire system of international relations, but it too must be reformed.

"BRICS supports reforming the UN to make it more democratic and effective," the report said.

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