Russian specialists to maintain Renaissance Dam in future — Ethiopian envoy

World September 26, 2023, 17:55

The work on the project is underway now, Cham Ugala Uriat pointed out, adding that the republic’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed went to Cairo in late August to resume talks with Sudan and Egypt on the launch of the dam

MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. Russian specialists will be able to participate in maintenance of the Ethiopian Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile River in the future, Ethiopian Ambassador to Russia Cham Ugala Uriat said in an interview with TASS.

"The construction [of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam] is going on and it is already on the stage of completion. So, for a Russian expert, because the project now is on the completion stage, it’s not the best time [to participate in it]. But for maintainers in the future, I cannot rule out for Russian experts to come and work on it," he said.

The work on the project is underway now, the diplomat said, adding that the republic’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed went to Cairo in late August to resume talks with Sudan and Egypt on the launch of the dam.

"The negotiation is going on. And I hope they will seal the deal in the near future," he noted.

Ethiopia’s authorities started the implementation of the project on construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile River in 2011. The hydro power plant worth $4.6 bln with an expected capacity of 5,250 MW is being constructed about 30 km away from the Sudanese border.

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