Iran received Russian combat trainer aircraft - IRNA news agency

World September 03, 2023, 11:39

Airplanes will be used to train new pilots that will then operate new generation aircraft

MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Russia’s Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft were delivered to Iran, the IRNA news agency reported.

According to the news agency, Russian Yak-130 aircraft were imported to Iran and became operational with the national air force. Airplanes will be used to train new pilots that will then operate new generation aircraft.

IRNA did not report the number of aircraft supplied to Iran. Authorities have not yet formally confirmed the arrival of the Yak-130 airplanes in the country, the news agency added.

Russia’s Rosoboronexport company and the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation made no comment on this news report to TASS.

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