Zimbabwean MFA summons EU ambassadors over report by election observers

World August 28, 2023, 23:43

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Amon Murvira accused the EU mission of misleading the world about how the elections were held

PRETORIA, August 28. /TASS/. Zimbabwean Acting Foreign Minister Amon Murwira told EU ambassadors to the country, who were summoned to the ministry, that the EU mission that had monitored the country’s recent presidential and parliamentary elections was prejudiced.

"Zimbabwe finds it disturbing and unfortunate that the EU Electoral Observation Mission deliberately issued a broad statement full of misrepresentations and allegations," the South African news website News 24 quoted him as saying.

Murwira accused the EU mission of misleading the world on how Zimbabwe's elections had been conducted. He said the European observers' report, which is preliminary, indicates that their final conclusions will be negative and damaging to the credibility of the nation.

The report released by the EU mission said that, "curtailed rights and a lack of a level playing field led to an environment that was not always conducive to voters making a free and informed choice." It further stated that,"the passing of regressive legal provisions and acts of violence and intimidation resulted in a climate of fear."

Zibmabwe had earlier invited EU observers to monitor the elections for the first time in decades. The country is under EU and US sanctions.

The electoral commission of Zimbabwe announced overnight into August 27 that Emmerson Mnangagwa won the presidential election, defeating other 10 candidates as he received 52.6% of the vote. Nelson Chamisa was the runner up, mustering 44%. He refused to accept the vote count and concede the race to Mnangagwa.

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