Medvedev confident Ukrainians to soon 'overthrow current junta,' choose normal leaders

World August 23, 2023, 13:05

The senior official pointed out that the anti-Russian hysteria in Ukraine "was fueled by all possible means" which included money from all kinds of structures subordinate to Washington

MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. The citizens of Ukraine will sooner or later grow tired of living under the oppression of the current Kiev regime and will "choose suitable leaders," who will treat Russia like a friendly neighbor, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an op-ed piece published on the website.

"It is clear how it will end and where the pendulum will swing. Sooner or later, the Ukrainians, who have long since become sick and tired of themselves and their children being used as cannon fodder, will overthrow the current junta. <…> And will choose normal, suitable leaders, for whom Russia is a friendly neighbor, or, to be more precise, just their own native common home. [Leaders who are] not prone to hysterical dependence on the West," he pointed out.

Just as this has already occurred in many countries across varying historical epochs, this will occur now too, Medvedev stressed. "It would be better, of course, if it happened as soon as possible," he added.

The senior official pointed out that the anti-Russian hysteria in Ukraine "was fueled by all possible means, and the most nefarious screamers were supported [financially], including with money from all kinds of foundations and structures subordinate to Washington."

"It’s enough to recall all the various 'Maidans' (instances of mass civil unrest in Ukraine - TASS) and rallies, the visits of numerous US under-secretaries of state and all those loathsome mugs. Those derogatory chants, monument demolitions, bans on Russian books and TV - even in regions where practically no one speaks Ukrainian. Attempts to erase Pushkin, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Tolstoy, Gogol from Ukrainian literature," he enumerated.

The politician pointed to "the stubborn desire to transform hangmen and renegades like Bandera and others from among Hitler’s henchmen into national heroes." "No one will ever forget the crimes of these Ukrainian dregs who ordered the shelling of Donbass, the arrest and torture of those they found undesirable. Who made quashing the rights of the Russian-speaking population their state ideology, Nazi ideology, extremist chants. Who are now trying to regain 'their' territories and exterminate their former citizens," Medvedev emphasized.

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