Poland, Russia have equal diplomatic presence — Polish ambassador

World July 14, 2023, 21:47

Krzysztof Krajewski described Russia's decision to shut down Poland’s consular agency in Smolensk as legitimate

MOSCOW, July 14. /TASS/. Russia and Poland maintain parity in terms of the number of diplomatic missions, Polish Ambassador to Russia Krzysztof Krajewski said on Friday.

"We have parity in terms of the number of missions. Poland has its embassy in Moscow, Russia has its embassy in Warsaw. Each of us has three consulates general," he said in an interview with the Polish Press Agency. "So, parity is maintained."

Commenting on Russia's decision to shut down Poland’s consular agency in Smolensk in response to the illegal seizure of Russian diplomatic property, in particular, a residential house and a school building, Krajewski said that these actions were quite legitimate.

It was reported on Friday that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin had signed an order to close Poland’s consular agency in Smolensk. According to the Russian government, the decision was made as a response step to Poland’s unfriendly actions toward Russia, including the illegal seizure of Russian diplomatic property in Poland and a dramatic reduction of Russia’s diplomatic presence in that country. "The Russian government decision that was made as a response measure will make it possible to regain the parity between consular institutions of Russia in Poland and of Poland in Russia," the Russian government said.

Following this step, the Polish foreign ministry issued a statement saying that Poland reserves the right to take response measures.

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