Brussels turns blind eye to Kiev’s plot to blow up oil pipeline — Hungarian government

World May 25, 2023, 18:24

Earlier, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that von der Leyen should personally clarify the issue of whether it was true Ukraine had been pushed by Brussels to block the Druzhba pipeline

BUDAPEST, May 25. /TASS/. Ukraine does not deny that President Vladimir Zelensky threatened to blow up the Druzhba oil pipeline to damage not only Russia, but also Hungary, and that the leaders of the European Union have not condemned his actions, the Hungarian government’s spokesperson, Alexandra Szentkiralyi, said in an interview with the Magyar Nemzet newspaper on Thursday.

She was asked to comment on reports that European Commission officials, with the knowledge of their head, Ursula von der Leyen, had recommended Kiev block supplies via the Druzhba oil pipeline, which brings crude oil to Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

"Any such statement in the current explosive environment can only make the situation worse. One should also pay attention to the Washington Post's report that the Ukrainian president had suggested blowing up the Druzhba pipeline, which would cause enormous damage to Hungary. Ukraine does not deny this, and Brussels does not condemn it," Szentkiralyi said.

She added that more than a year after the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine, "the European Union still does not take steps towards peace."

Szentkiralyi described the situation as frightening, and said it was puzzling that the source from which the EU finances military supplies to Ukraine is called a "peace fund," At the same time, Szentkiralyi recalled that Hungary had condemned Russia's actions since the beginning of the conflict and continued to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, including hosting Ukrainian refugees.

Earlier, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said that von der Leyen should personally clarify the issue of whether it was true Ukraine had been pushed by Brussels to block the Druzhba pipeline. Szijjarto believes that this is a possible threat to his country's security and sovereignty. Members of the European Parliament from the ruling party Fidesz-Hungarian Civic Alliance also demanded explanations from the European Commission in connection with the reports that Brussels had advised Kiev to shut down the Druzhba pipeline and that the Ukrainian president threatened to blow up the pipeline system. These threats, made by Zelensky at a closed-door meeting, became known after secret Pentagon documents were leaked.

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