Latest rotation of IAEA inspectors at Zaporozhye nuke plant slated for May 25 — official

World May 24, 2023, 18:05

The previous rotation of the IAEA inspectors, which was the seventh such shift change, took place at the ZNPP facility on April 27 without incident

MELITOPOL, May 24. /TASS/. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stationed at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) are scheduled to rotate on May 25 with the arrival of experts from Argentina, Ireland and Morocco, Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the CEO of Russian state nuclear concern Rosenergoatom, told TASS on Wednesday.

"The rotation should take place on May 25. At least, it is scheduled like this," he said. "The incoming members of the IAEA mission represent Ireland, Morocco and Argentina," the official added.

That said, Karchaa allows for the possibility that Ukraine may stage a provocative incident aimed at stymieing the process "as has happened before."

The previous rotation of the IAEA inspectors, which was the seventh such shift change, took place at the ZNPP facility on April 27 without incident. The official specified to TASS that the eighth group of inspectors included an Australian national and a Slovak national.

The permanent stationing of IAEA experts at the ZNPP was instituted following the first visit by IAEA Secretary-General Rafael Grossi to the facility in early September 2022. Then, it was agreed that several IAEA specialists would remain at the station and would be replaced by a new group roughly every month. Since then, seven rotations have already taken place. Almost all of them happened on time, except for the rotation scheduled in February, which was canceled several times due to the fault of the UN Department of Safety and Security. As a result, the IAEA’s fifth mission had to remain at the power plant for almost two months until it was relieved by a fresh group of inspectors on March 2.

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