Georgian president hails revocation of foreign agents bill as victory of people

World March 09, 2023, 21:21

The Georgian leader said the government’s decision helped to reduce polarization in society

MOSCOW, March 9. /TASS/. Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili on Thursday hailed the government’s decision to revoke the foreign agents bill from parliament as a victory of the people.

"First of all, I want to congratulate the entire society on this victory. I welcome the right decision made by the government to revoke the bill (on foreign agents - TASS). That decision was dictated with consideration of the real power of the people," the president said in a video address.

The Georgian leader said the government’s decision helped to reduce polarization in society. She said that Georgia is a democratic country because in democratic countries it is impossible "that the authorities do not take into account the voice, the will of the people."

The country’s ruling party said earlier on Thursday that it was revoking the foreign agents bill from parliament.

Thousands of people took to the street in Tbilisi on March 7 and 8, after the parliament adopted the first reading of the Georgian version of the bill on foreign influence agents. Both rallies ended late at night. Security forces dispersed the protesters with water cannons and tear gas. More than 130 people were detained over two days of protests.

In February, the Georgian parliament registered two bills on foreign agents - one Georgian and the other American - which is a translation of the US law on the registration of foreign agents. According to the Georgian version, news media could also be designated as foreign agents, while the bill wouldn’t affect individuals. The US version applies not only to legal entities, but also to individuals, and it also includes criminal liability. On Wednesday, the head of the ruling party, Irakli Kobakhidze, said that after the adoption in the first reading, the parliament sent the Georgian version of the bill to the Venice Commission for examination.

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