Analyst sees Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalating in 2023

World January 09, 2023, 19:02

The Israeli political establishment isn’t afraid of an escalation, Grigory Lukyanov said

MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Israel is showing it’s willing to escalate the conflict with Palestine, which is forced to respond, so the situation is close to developing under a very negative scenario, Grigory Lukyanov, a researcher at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has told TASS.

"The Israeli decision to stop any efforts to hang Palestinian flags in the streets across the country fits well with the general trend that has taken shape following the ascent to power in the country of the new far-right cabinet and forebodes the most negative developments because the thing that may seem of little importance, the removal of flags, plays an enormous symbolic role for Palestinian organizations," he said.

The Israeli political establishment isn’t afraid of an escalation, the analyst said.

"For the far-right cabinet, the more tense the situation is around Palestinian territories, on the border with Syria and Lebanon, in relations with Iran, the better, the longer it will be possible to hold together the extremely controversial right parties and rightist politicians that mistrust each other," he said.

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