Energodar residents call on IAEA chief to help stop shelling

World September 01, 2022, 19:17

Rafael Grossi promised that the mission would go to great lengths to help change the situation and to communicate information to the world

ENERGODAR, September 1. /TASS/. Residents of the city of Energodar in the Zaporozhye Region handed a letter to IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi on Thursday, asking him to "stop Ukraine’s provocations aimed at the Zaporozhye NPP", a TASS correspondent has reported.

"We are handing it to you. Help make it stopped. Our children cannot go outside. They did not go to school on September 1 (the start of a school year - TASS)," a female resident of Energodar said when handing the request to Grossi in the presence of reporters.

Taking the letter, Grossi told the people to take care of themselves as it is very important. He promised that the mission would go to great lengths to help change the situation and to communicate information to the world.

In addition, the local people handed Grossi a rocket fragment collected after shelling by Ukraine.

Earlier, residents of liberated areas of the Zaporozhye Region had put their signatures under an open letter to the IAEA, urging it to "stop Ukraine’s provocations aimed at the Zaporozhye NPP" and also invited its delegation to visit the plant.

On Thursday, a mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited the Zaporozhye NPP and conducted an initial assessment of the situation.

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