Ukrainian intelligence, military prepare provocations in Donbass — intelligence head

World February 10, 2022, 18:07

According to Sergey Naryshkin, Ukrainian preparations are going "full steam ahead" and they cannot be hidden

MOSCOW, February 10. /TASS/. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) and the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) are preparing provocations at the contact line in Donbass and their ‘reporting’ in a fashion, similar to that of the ‘White Helmets’ in Syria, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin said in an interview Thursday.

"The SBU and the UAF are preparing provocations at the contact line in Donbass and their ‘reporting’ a la ‘White Helmets’ fakes news in Syria. The contingent of the ‘rapid response propaganda forces’ of the Western media has been increased there multifold as well," he said.

According to Naryshkin, Ukrainian preparations are going "full steam ahead" and they cannot be hidden.

"All even partially combat ready Ukrainian Armed Forces units have been concentrated at the Donbass border. Hundreds of tonnes of military equipment and ammunition are being transported en masse from US bases in Europe, from the UK, from Canada. The contingent of advisors and instructors from NATO Special Operations forces is being increased. We even have reports about the emergence of multinational jihadist militant squads," he said.

According to the intelligence head, "only under the condition to hold a meeting of Normandy Four political advisors in Paris did Ukrainian Cabinet decided to temporarily withdraw the bill ‘On the principles of state policy of the transition period’ from the Verkhovna Rada."

"Experts call this document a legal ‘fig leaf’ that convers the desire to capture the People’s Republic territory and clean them up via the Croatian scenario. This bill completely dismisses the Minsk Agreements," he underscored.

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