NATO keep putting forward ultimatums against Russia — senior diplomat

World December 17, 2021, 15:31

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov advised his NATO colleagues to "abandon their own cliches," their accustomed behavioral patterns and "misconceived paternalism"

MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. US and NATO keep putting forward ultimatums in response to Moscow’s proposals on security guarantees, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told a briefing on Friday.

"Of course, we saw the NATO statement released late last night. There is nothing new, except the statement that relevant proposals have been examined, and then the same argument and position which we have been listening to for many years," the diplomat said responding to a question from TASS.

"This stance doesn’t help, since we put forward proposals, the other side puts forward ultimatums and dangerous activity is being continued under the pretext of these ultimatums which has a negative impact on our security interests. We can’t tolerate it any longer," Ryabkov stressed.

In this regard, Ryabkov advised his NATO colleagues to "abandon their own cliches," their accustomed behavioral patterns and "misconceived paternalism." "We were told yesterday that it is up to Moscow, whether relations will look up. So, it is for NATO and, in particular, for the US. If Washington is not able to choose on its own and agree to the negotiations we propose, then let them consult further. We have learned that the strongest side of the alliance is its unity. Let’s see where the lowest common point is and who dictates it in the North Atlantic Alliance, budling the US stance," he concluded.

On Friday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry released two Russian draft treaties of the Agreement on Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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