Ukraine is responsible for MH17 crash as it failed to close airspace — Russian prosecutors

World July 22, 2021, 11:05

The document also notes that Ukraine failed to carry out an independent and effective investigation into the obstacles related to the non-closure of the airspace by the responsible officials

MOSCOW, July 22. /TASS/. Ukraine bears full responsibility for the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) crash in 2014 since it had not closed its airspace, and it is presenting fabricated evidence to shift the blame on Russia, the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office said in a complaint against Kiev submitted to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Among ten key categories of violations outlined in the complaint one concerns the MH17 crash. "Ukraine is fully responsible for the death of passengers and crew members of Boeing 777 aircraft of Malaysia Airlines <...> as well as causing suffering to the relatives of those dead," the document said.

Kiev seriously violated Article 2 of the Convention (right to life) in material and procedural aspects and Article 3 of the Convention (banning torture) in a procedural aspect in connection with the failure to take measures on shutting down its airspace, it said.

The document also notes that Ukraine failed to carry out an independent and effective investigation into the obstacles related to the non-closure of the airspace by the responsible officials. "Ukraine is presenting fabricated evidence with the goal of shifting its blame for this air crash on Russia," it said.

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