Russian-Chinese friendship not aimed against any third country, says Moscow

World January 16, 2019, 15:10

The two are "not friends against any others," Lavrov said, adding that "we are friends because we are neighbors and because we have many common interests"

MOSCOW, January 16. /TASS/. Russia’s friendship with China is not directed against any third state, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at his annual conference devoted to the results of 2018.

"Both Russia and China are not friends against any others," Lavrov said. "We are friends because we are neighbors and because we have many common interests, because we are strategic partners in international affairs and we share stance that it’s important to make the world more stable, secure and democratic."

"We have common interest not just to keep global trade system, but to make it more controlled, clear and less subjected to unilateral fancies of any state," Lavrov said. "I think that here we will have work for years to come."

The foreign minister noted that there have been many speculations of late regarding the Russia-China-US triangle. He recalled in particular the remarks of some politicians from Tokyo suggesting to sign a peace treaty between Russia and Japan in order to contain China.

"When there are attempts to consider all what is happening in relations between our countries [Russia and China] through the prism of driving a wedge into these relations and searching for some possibilities of pulling us apart by various positions, this arouses deep regret because this reflects a mindset "either with us or against us and let’s use someone against the other," Lavrov said.

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