Moscow urges lifting of unilateral sanctions against North Korea

World September 27, 2018, 18:53

Russia's top diplomat said tightening the sanctions would be 'illogical'

UNITED NATIONS, September 27./TASS/. Moscow urges all countries that are imposing unilateral sanctions against North Korea to abandon this practice, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a UN Security Council ministerial session on denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

"The so-called autonomous or secondary sanctions against the DPRK and other states, imposed by the US and some of their allies in bypassing or in addition to sanctions of the UN Security Council provoke even more rejection," he said. "We once again urge the countries that impose such sanctions to abandon this practice," Lavrov added.

He also said it is illogical to tighten sanctions against North Korea given that the situation in the region is improving, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a session of the UN Security Council on Korean peninsula denuclearization.

"Against the background of readiness for cooperation demonstrated by Pyongyang and progress in stabilization of the situation in the region, the policy towards tightening the sanction screws on the DPRK imposed by our Western partners looks increasingly untimely," he said.

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