Trump to address Skripal poisoning case at UN Security Council meeting

World September 21, 2018, 6:21

Nikki Haley said that it will be the most watched Security Council ever

NEW YORK, September 21. /TASS/. US President Donald Trump plans to discuss at the UN Security Council meeting this week issues regarding relations with Iran, non-proliferation of chemical weapons, the settlement of the North Korean nuclear issue and Skripals poisoning case in UK’s Salisbury, US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley said in an interview with Fox News television channel.

"It is time for us to have a real discussion and that is what you will see the president do, when he chairs the Security Council," Haley said. "It will be the most watched Security Council ever."

The UN Security Council session on the non-proliferation of chemical and nuclear weapons chaired by US President Trump is scheduled to be held on September 26.

"He [President Trump] is not going to talk about Iran only, he is going to talk about the chemical weapons issue that we had to work on this month alone to keep from happening in Idlib, in Syria," she stated. "He is going to talk about North Korea and what we are dealing with there and with the fact that we had to take on the Russian incident in the UK with the Skripals."

Skripal saga

On September 5, British Prime Minister Theresa May informed the British parliament about the outcome of the investigation into the Salisbury incident, stating that two Russians, whom British intelligence services consider to be Main Intelligence Directorate agents, are suspected of the attempted murder of the Skripals.

Scotland Yard published a number of photos of the two men, who, according to investigators, had been travelling around the country with Russian passports under the names of Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov.

On March 4, former Russian intelligence officer and convicted British spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were allegedly poisoned with a nerve agent, according to British investigators. Later on, London stated that this agent had been developed in Russia and blamed Moscow for being behind the incident based on this assumption.

Moscow refuted all accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union, nor Russia had any programs for developing this agent. Experts from the British chemical laboratory in Porton Down failed to identify the origin of the agent that poisoned the Skripals.

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