Russian volunteers write letter to Macron asking to allow them to work at Olympics

Sports May 25, 18:32

Volunteers from Russia have already received entry visas and bought tickets to France

MOSCOW, May 25. /TASS/. Russian volunteers living in France who were banned from working at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris at the end of April, have written a collective letter to French President Emmanuel Macron asking him to help in lifting the ban, one of volunteers told TASS.

TASS reported earlier that the French authorities had rejected applications for accreditation to the Olympic Games from Russians who wanted to go to Paris as volunteers. They wrote a letter to French Interior Minister asking to lift the ban on the work at the Olympics, but the petition has remained unanswered.

"We have also sent a collective letter to French President Macron, with the text of the letter being almost the same as that we wrote to Foreign Minister of the country. However, the head of France has not answered us yet either," a Russian volunteer living in Paris said.

Volunteers from Russia have already received entry visas and bought tickets to France, according to the letter. They were ready to work at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, though they were refused to be accredited due to safety reasons. The volunteers noted in the letter that they assured that they would strictly observe all French laws, the laws of the European Union, the Olympic Charter and the Olympic and Paralympic volunteering charter. They also noted that they had never breached the law and had had no criminal charges pending against them.

The Olympic Games will be held in Paris from July 25 to August 11.

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