Russian Anti-Doping Agency inspectors collect over 1,400 samples last month

Sports November 02, 2023, 14:35

RUSADA collected a total number of 9,482 doping samples over ten months of 2023

MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. The Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) collected in October a total number of 1,416 doping samples from Russian athletes, a spokeswoman for the agency told TASS on Thursday.

"We have collected 1,416 samples in October. The higher figure [for one month] was registered back in 2019 [1,419 samples]," she said.

In all, according to TASS, RUSADA collected a total number of 9,482 doping samples over ten months of 2023 (1,416 in October; 1,246 in September; 806 in August; 734 in July; 725 in June; 846 in May; 996 in April; 853 in March; 961 in February and 899 in January).

RUSADA Director General Veronika Loginova told TASS late last year, that the agency had met its target for 2022 on doping testing of athletes ahead of schedule with the reported figure standing at over 11,000. In all, the agency collected 11,053 doping samples in 2022.

RUSADA inked a cooperation agreement with the Turkish anti-doping laboratory in March 2022, which had valid accreditation from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Under Russia’s previously limited air traffic with Europe, the agreement allowed RUSADA to conduct testing of athletes’ blood samples within the required period, as well as to carry on with its program on athletes’ biological passports.

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