Russians grow less forgiving of marital infidelity — poll
The number of Russians disapproving same-sex relationships has also gone up

MOSCOW, February 13. /TASS/. The number of Russians who disapprove of marital infidelity has increased from 35% in 1991 to 52%, All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center said on Tuesday citing public opinion poll results.
According to the latest poll, two thirds of Russians (64%) disapprove of adultery always (52%) or almost always (12%), with more women (69%) than men (57%) sharing this point of view. Each tenths of the polled (12%), on the contrary, said he or she were forgiving about that.
In 1991, the share of those who were totally negative about marital infidelity was 35% and 32% more said they disapproved of it almost always. The share of respondents who never disapprove of adultery has increased insignificantly from nine percent in 1991 to 12% in 2018.
Notably, the number of Russians disapproving same-sex relationships has gone up from 71% in 1991 to 79% in 2018. Almost each tenth Russian (nine percent) sees nothing wrong about such relations (seven percent in 1991).
Twenty-six percent of the polled said they condemned abortions in low-income families. More than a third of respondents (38%) said they though such abortions were reprehensible only in certain cases. Twenty-eight percent of the polled saw nothing wrong about abortions.
A fourth (25%) of the polled Orthodox believers said they were negative about abortions and 40% of them called abortions reprehensible acts. Twenty-six percent said they saw nothing reprehensible about it. Pro-lifers account for 39% of people professing other religions.
The survey was conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center on January 13-14, 2018, with 2,000 Russians aged 18 or older interviewed over the phone. The margin of error does not exceed 2.2% with a probability of 95% In 1991, the poll was conducted under representative selection and embraced 2,964 respondents in cities and rural areas aged 16 and older.